Historical Adventure Author

96 pages
ISBN 978-1-939319-04-3
Whether you’re a parent looking to cut housing expenses for your college offspring or an investor looking for a savvy way to leverage your money for income and profits — or you’re both — this no-fluff guide delivers everything you need in under 100 pages to make a smart investment in college-town rental property today.
In seven concise chapters, SMART ESSENTIALS FOR COLLEGE RENTALS takes you step by step from identifying a great college-town market to scoring big returns on your investment:
ORIENTATION: Discover how smart parents and investors make money from off-campus housing.
COLLEGE TOWNS 101: Find the perfect college-town market for your money.
GOLDMINES: Get smarter with the essential strategies every investor needs to find rentals that make money when you buy, when you rent and when you sell.
COLLEGE MATH: Learn insider techniques to separate profitable rentals from money pits and play your counteroffer cards just right.
FINANCIAL AID: How to use other people’s money to leverage your investment in a positive-cash-flow property.
LANDLORD U: Everything you need to know to manage student rentals and avoid nightmare tenants.
GRADUATION: Know when to hold or cash out for maximum profit.
By necessity droves of college students are turning to off-campus housing. This perfect storm – a critical shortage and rising demand for off-campus housing -- has created a once-in-a-generation opportunity for college-town rental properties. SMART ESSENTIALS FOR COLLEGE RENTALS is a survival guide to owning college-student housing in today’s market.

96 pages
ISBN 978-1-939319-03-6
The housing crash turned millions of foreclosed homeowners into renters. Millions more are underwater, delinquent or in default. Waves of downsizing baby boomers (10,000 a day turn 65) are opting to rent. Boomerangers…3 million young adults who lived with their parents during the Great Recession…are now moving out to rent on their own. Every year hundreds of thousands of new immigrants are renting until they can buy into the American dream of homeownership. Simply put, millions of new renters will drive rental housing demand for years to come.
Why is this important?
Today the convergence of below-market inventory, low interest rates and higher rents has created a once-in-a-generation “Perfect Storm” of opportunity in the single-family rental market. Get rich quick schemes are still too good to be true -- and are mostly bunk. Today get rich slowly strategies are paying off handsomely for smart real estate investors.
How You Will Benefit In Under 100 Pages
This step-by-step SMART ESSENTIALS guide shows you the seven masteries you must get right to earn the profits that insider savvy delivers to smart investors today.
BLUEPRINT: Get the Big Picture to how real estate investing builds your wealth.
TOOLKIT: Learn the rules to maximize cash flow, tax breaks and investment return.
PROPERTIES: Find properties that make money both when you buy and when you sell.
ANALYZE: Run the numbers to spot diamonds in the rough that will cash flow profitably.
PURCHASE: Craft win-win counteroffers and nail financing that fit your strategy.
MANAGE: Avoid costly property management mistakes rookie landlords make.
CASH OUT: Know the triggers to time your exit and sell for the most profit possible.
SMART ESSENTIALS FOR REAL ESTATE INVESTING is written for the small investor. If you plan to invest in single-family homes, condos/co-ops, townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, quads or small apartment buildings with 2-10 units, this SMART ESSENTIALS is for you.
336 pages
ISBN 978-0-471472-23-0
As a real estate agent or broker, would you like to double or even triple your income? Would you like to cut advertising and marketing expenses in half and keep more of what you bring in? Would you like to get more done in less time?
You can do all this and more by tapping into the power of technology to create an effective marketing campaign for your services. Dan Gooder Richard’s REAL ESTATE RAINMAKER® Guide to Online Marketing walks you through the practical steps of building an e-practice brand with web domains, websites, and e-mail "drip" marketing systems. This practical, proven system uses real-world examples and straightforward guidelines to show real estate professionals how to generate more leads and more sales at the lowest possible cost.
Packed with hands-on tips and simple techniques that work for novices and veterans alike, the REAL ESTATE RAINMAKER® Guide to Online Marketing is an indispensable tool for real estate professionals who want new solutions and proven ways to use the Internet to increase business. By combining the cutting-edge online strategies and time-tested offline marketing techniques in this book, you’ll have an effective, profitable marketing strategy up and running in no time.
Statistics show that almost three-quarters of all home buyers use the Internet during their search, yet hardly any buyers or sellers find their agent through the Internet. Those numbers prove that most agents are behind the technology curve and that only a few top sales agents have learned to take full advantage of the Internet. Not only can the Internet help you find buyers, but it can also help you find sellers! If you want to use the Internet to tap into a rich new vein of clients, this guide will show you how.
E-marketing isn’t the only way to generate business, it’s just an important piece in the whole marketing puzzle. The REAL ESTATE RAINMAKER® Guide to Online Marketing will show you exactly how to design and implement an e-marketing strategy that will complement your offline marketing plan, improve your brand recognition, and bring in more leads and sales than ever before!

336 pages
ISBN 978-0-471345-54-1
Would you like to triple your income as a real estate agent or broker? Close thirty or fifty or more transactions a year, rather than the national average of twelve? Reduce your advertising expenses by half and cut marketing costs per transaction by forty percent? Can you imagine converting 100 percent of your prospect inquiries into customer presentations? Working a four-day week while maintaining a six-figure income? Cashing out of your practice financially independent yet still young enough to enjoy the fruits of your labors?
If these questions sound like an impossible dream, then reality is about to give you a very pleasant surprise. REAL ESTATE RAINMAKER® introduces a powerful marketing system that multiplies your personal efforts and enables you to generate more prospects and close more sales at lower cost. Drawing on proven marketing principles and insights from other industries, Dan Gooder Richard, a leading authority on real estate marketing, presents the dynamic 3-Step Rainmaker Lead System® .
Following each step of this system, you will learn how to: Overcome inevitable market fluctuations faced by all real estate agents and brokers; Master the latest marketing techniques to increase leads at reduced cost; Close more prospects by focusing on customer needs; Boost referrals and maximize profits through customer retention Write your own marketing plan in six easy mornings; Build a Trophy Database and develop an exit strategy to cash out financially independent.
Complete with an invaluable collection of marketing tools never before assembled in one place and all the essential contact information you'll require to find what you need easily, REAL ESTATE RAINMAKER® brings you a torrent of indispensable principles, techniques, and savvy insider's tips that will flood your practice with customers, profits, and success beyond your wildest dreams.